Update on progress with the rebrand/migration/IDO

- Migration can only start after PAYBOLT contract is deployed: The new contract will have bridging solution implemented to allow for cross-chain scalability, which takes time to finalize, test, and eventually deploy.
- IDO: We are waiting to hear back from the 10+ launchpads we reached out to, the response has been slow. We suspect been the end of the year and the bear market might be the reason. We will diligently follow up on all these launchpads.
- Websites/marketplace/pitch deck/whitepaper/social media: The team has been working around the clock to update all these documents but given the number of websites and amount of content we have created in the last 5 months that uses the BNBPAY brand, it is a huge task to bring everything across as well as incorporate what we aim to do going forward. Your understanding is appreciated.
We have a lot of awesome plans for the future, stay tuned for more updates soon!
Team PayBolt