Development Team
- Continued and ongoing development of the BNBPay mobile application. Estimated time of prototype is within two weeks.
- White paper is in its second phase of completion. Various technical elements are involved and it requires proof reading, possible amendments and a review before being published to the public.
- We have engaged Techrate to complete our smart contract audit. This will allow our current and future investors to see the legitimacy of the BNBPay project. This should be completed in the next day or 2.
Marketing Team
- The Chinese BNBPay website is complete. It can be viewed here:
We know China is a huge market for crypto so we are discussing marketing efforts in China now and hopefully will start seeing Chinese investors very soon! - We have signed our first merchant partnership! Please visit Vamos Coffee Roastery if you are in the area. You can see our announcement on Twitter here:
Two more are in the talks! — if you know any business owners who are interested in joining the BNBPAY movement please reach out to us on Telegram! - The team has already been involved with two YouTube influencers who both reviewed, analysed and loved the BNBPay project this week. The marketing team has constantly engaged and looked to work with more influencers to bring in new investors in the near future.
- We have decided to extend our 50 million $BPAY Giveaway promotion by another two weeks till 2nd Aug 2021 to allow more people to participate. Our project is fairly new and we would like to get more people involved as it will help grow and foster our $BPAY community. Currently, the giveaway is now worth over $1500 to each winner. Please tell your friends and family to participate and get involved with $BPAY! It should be worth a lot more in 2 weeks time!
- We currently have a “Coffee on $BPAY” promotion/campaign running. Please see the post on Twitter if you missed it and would like to know more about it:
That’s all for now folks! Hope everyone has a great day! PM any of the admins if you have any inquiries or feedback. We can also take feedback on mods and how we can help foster growth of our TG communities.
- The BPAY Team